Unit of Measure Conversions


Length Conversions

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Additional Units and Information

Name Symbol Value Description/Notes
ångström Å 1 x 10-10 metre Equivalent to 100 picometres
chain ch 22 yards;
1/10 furlong
Distance between wickets in a standard cricket pitch
fermi fm 1 x 10-15 metre Equivalent to 1 femtometre
hand   4 inches Used to express a horse's height
league   Land: 3 miles;
Sea: 3 nautical miles
Generally accepted values
line l 1/12 inch  
link   8 inches  
marathon   26 miles and 385 yards 46,145 yards;
42,195 metres
micron µm 1 x 10-6 metre;
10,000 ångströms
Equivalent to 1 micrometre
mil   1/1000 inch UK & US: "thou"
mil   10,000 metres Norway & Sweden: "myriametre"
nm 6,080 feet UK nautical mile
pole pl 5½ yards;
¼ chain
Also called "perch" & "rod"
X-unit XU 1 x 10-13 metre;
100 fm
Used with X-ray wavelengths

Useful Approximations

Approximation % Accuracy
The span of a man's outstretched hand (measured from thumb to second finger tip) ≈ 9 inches  
1 link ≈ 1/100 chain 99.0
1 mile ≈ 1.6 kilometres 99.4
1 international nautical mile ≈ 1 UK nautical mile 99.9