Unit of Measure Conversions


Pressure Conversions

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Additional Units and Information

Name Symbol Value Description/Notes
dyne/sq.centimetre dyn/cm² 1 barye Equivalent to 1/10 pascal
kip/sq.inch ksi 6.894757 x 106 pascals 1 kip = 1,000 poundsforce
millibar mbar 1000 barye;
100 pascals
Equivalent to 1/1000 bar
millimetre mercury mm-Hg 1 torr  
newton/sq.metre N/m² 1 pascal Equivalent to 10 baryes
pièze pz 1,000 pascals  
poundal/sq.foot pdl/ft² 1.488164 pascals  
poundforce/sq.foot lbf/ft² 47.88026 pascals  
  psi 14.6959 pounds/sq.inch Atmospheric pressure at sea level

Useful Approximations

Approximation % Accuracy
The pressure on an object in water increases by ½ psi per foot of depth 86.7
1 poundforce/sq.inch ≈ 2 inches mercury 98.2
1 poundforce/sq.inch ≈ 50 torr 96.7
1 bar ≈ 750 torr 99.9
1 atmosphere ≈ 1 bar 98.7
1 atmosphere ≈ 1 kilogramforce/sq.centimetre 96.9