Unit of Measure Conversions

Angles in Regular n-sided Polygons

Parameter Formula
Internal angle between adjacent sides 180(n-2)/n
Sum of all internal angles 180(n-2)

Properties of Geometric Shapes

Shape Circumference Surface Area Volume
Circle 2πr [or: πd] πr² [or: πd²/4]  
Cone   πrs πr²h/3
Cube 4b 6b²
Cylinder (hollow) 2πro [or: 2πri] 2π{h(ro+ri)+(ro²-ri²)} πh(ro²-ri²)
Cylinder (solid) 2πr [or: πd] 2πr(h+r) [or: πd(h+r)] πr²h
Ellipse Reference πxy  
Parallelogram, Rhombus 2(b+s) bh  
Polygon (regular) kb kp²sin(360/k)/2  
Pyramid (regular) kb A+(kbs/2) Ah/3
Rectangle 2(b+h) bh  
Sphere 2πr [or: πd] 4πr² [or: πd²] 4πr³/3
Square 4b  
Trapezium a+b+2s (a+b)h/2  
Triangle b+t2+t3 bh/2  
Triangle (equilateral) 3b (√3)b²/4 [or: bh/2]  


Symbol Description
π Pi
A Area of base
a Length of side parallel to baseline
b Length of baseline
d Diameter
h Vertical height
k Number of sides
p Length from centre to a corner
r,ro,ri Radius, outer radius, inner radius
s Slant height
t2,t3 Length of sides other than baseline
x Half length of major axis
y Half length of minor axis

Regular Polyhedra

A polyhedron is a solid (3-D) figure with polygons for its faces.
All faces of a regular polyhedron are the same in every respect - there are just five types.

Name Composition
Tetrahedron 4 triangular faces
Cube 6 square faces
Octahedron 8 triangular faces
Dodecahedron 12 pentagonal faces
Icosahedron 20 triangular faces

Combinations and Permutations


The number of ways of drawing "r" different objects from a larger set of "n" objects,
with no regard to the order in which they are drawn, is expressed as nCr.

nCr = n!/(r!(n-r)!)

where ! = Factorial (see the Tips page for definition)


The number of ways of drawing "r" different objects from a larger set of "n" objects,
paying attention to the order in which they are drawn, is expressed as nPr.

nPr = n!/(n-r)!

Gas Consumption (UK)

To convert gas consumption into kilowatt-hours use the formula:

Gas kWh = ((CR-PR)⋅VC⋅CV)/3.6


If necessary, multiply the result by 2.83 if the readings came from an Imperial meter that measures gas consumption in 100's of cubic feet rather than cubic metres.

Equations of Motion

These apply to objects moving with uniform acceleration.

v = u+at
s = ut+at²/2
s = (u+v)t/2
v² = u²+2as


Simple Pendulum

The formula to calculate the time taken for one complete swing (T) holds true provided that:

T = 2π√(L/g)


Projectile Trajectories

These formulae hold true provided that air resistance is neglected.

Parameter Formula
Horizontal range (v²⋅sin2θ)/g
Maximum height (v²⋅sin²θ)/2g
Time to reach maximum height (v⋅sinθ)/g
Total flight time (2v⋅sinθ)/g


Temperature Scale Conversions

Conversion Formula
Celsius to Fahrenheit °F = 1.8°C+32
Fahrenheit to Celsius °C = (°F-32)/1.8
Celsius to Kelvin K = °C+273.15
Kelvin to Celsius °C = K-273.15

See also the Temperature Scale Conversions page.